Friday, December 18, 2009

Decatur (or the power of the windows to the soul)

I've got three friends that currently are very important to me and although i don't have "that feeling" for them, I still think they've been pretty important for me this year.

One has very dreamy eyes. The other one has very sparkly eyes, vivacious, ferocious. The third one has the same eyes as Jennifer Aniston. Talking with any of them at any given time it's a joy, but when I get to speak to all of them on the same period of time, that's one of the few occasions where I can feel truly happy.

I usually pride myself on not being superficial/banal but there's something about eyes, about the look someone gives you that can say so much without actually having to exchange a few sentences. After hugs, I feel eyes are the second most pure thing in the world. Hugs and looks are such giveaways.

All three of these persons have changed my life in the last 3 years, sometimes in a direct way, sometimes in a very direct, clear cut way. Funny how sometimes it's not how a person talks or what they do, but just their presence (or absence) and the side effects of it.

The other day I almost choked when I thanked two of these 3 persons for what they did for me (they indirectly made me face a fear and get over a creative hurdle). I felt pretty good after that and maybe it's the holiday cheer getting to me, but that was a very emotional day.

I will be meeting with person #3 this next tuesday, for coffee, pancakes and general gossip (the expression in spanish is "echar el chal"). Of all three, it's the person I have least in common, but I still can get along with said person and if I get any Christmas gifts, I wish they are in the form of a continued friendship with three pair of magnificent eyes.

PS: Funny posts will resume soon :)

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